The reform and open-door policy of China began with the adoption of a new economic development strategy at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCPCC) in late 1978. Under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, who had returned to the political arena after his three previous defeats, the Chinese government began to pursue an open-door policy, in which it adopted a stance to achieve economic growth through the active introduction of foreign capital and technology while maintaining its commitment to socialism.
The obvious aim of this policy shift was to rebuild its economy and society that were devastated by the Cultural Revolution. The policy shift also appears to have been prompted by recognition that the incomes of ordinary Chinese were so low, in comparison with incomes in other Asian economies, that the future of the Chinese state and the communist regime would be in jeopardy unless something was done to raise living standards of its people through economic growth.
The government subsequently established a number of areas for foreign investment, including the special economic zones, open coastal cities, the economic and technology development zones, the delta open zones, the peninsula open zones, the open border citiees, and the high-tech industry development zones. The establishment of these zones provided the trigger for massive inflows of foreign investment, primarily from companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan. At the same time, China promoted its socialist market economy concept. The changes brought an entrepreneurial boom that resulted in the emergence of huge numbers of entrepreneurs and venture businesses within China.
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el Museo de Louvre representó un movimiento revolucionario de la democracia del arte en los museos. El Museo del Louvre es uno de los museos de arte más grandes de Francia y del mundo
He said he was angry at you last night
When resistance came to a climax in 1794, the federal government finally decided to take action against the rebellious western farmers. A proclamation was issued by George Washington for the insurgents to disperse, while at the same time militias were being gathered from several colonies. Because there were not many volunteers, a draft system was used to raise a large army. The draft led to even more resistance to the government, as many of the drafted men did not wish to join. During the rounding up of the recruits, several civilians were accidentally killed during resistance. They eventually succeeded in raising a large militia, and led by general Harry Lee, then governor of Virginia, the militia was a menacing force to the rebels.
The first conflict between the rebels and the militia began at Bower Hill, General and tax inspector John Neville's fortified home. Insurgents surrounded the home and fighting broke out after Neville fired a shot that wounded a rebel in response to their demands. The rebels, commanded by a veteran of the revolutionary war by the name of James McFarlane, open fired. The fighting ended in the mortal wounding of McFarlane, after which the rebels retreated. McFarlane later died. The casualties of this battle were the only casualties suffered by either side from the entire rebellion that were not accidental.
After the fighting broke out at Bower Hill, radicals gathered at PIttsburgh during the so called "March On Pittsburgh". Around 7,000 people gathered in Braddock's field in Pittsburgh on August 1st to protest McFarlane's "murder" and continue their demands about the tax, although most of them did not even own whiskey stills or land. Protests had grown into other areas of colonial discontent, especially for the poor. There was talk among the most radical insurgents of independence from the United States. Eventually an assembly of the rebels met and discussed demands and resolutions. The federal government was forced to use the militia as a way of preventing violence, as peace negotiations seemed impossible.
Shortly after the rebel meeting, Washington sent a group of commissioners to negotiate with the rebels. Washington secretly doubted the commissioners would succeed in their negotiations, and ordered the militia march west and take action against the rebels soon after. The resistance collapsed shortly after this, and no further show of force from the federal government was necessary. Many of the revolutionary leaders, such as David Bradford, fled west and eluded capture. The federal government estimated 24 men were guilty of high treason, of these only ten stood trial, 2 were convicted and later pardoned by George Washington.
The muslims invaded Spain and in the southern regions, new words with arab ethymologies appeared, they spread their culture and their race. The mix between spaniards and muslims was called a moore, the arab genes still persist in Spain, and the arab ethymologies are present nowadays on the spanish language.
The muslims also tried to impose the islam religion to the catholics, but in 1492, the spanish crown expelled the muslims and the jews from Spain.