"To this day," a viral animated anti-bullying video, aims to show that words may hurt more than sticks and stones. Canadian poet Shane Koyczan – who suffered bullying as a kid and was crushed by his nickname "Pork Chop," speaks in his beautiful video to victims and bullies alike.
<span>All of the following characters can be argued as dynamic characters EXCEPT Lady Capulet.
Juliet, Romeo, and Friar Laurence all change throughout the play - Juliet and Romeo grow up, and Friar Laurence decides to help the two lovers even though he may be punished for that. Lady Capulet, however, never changes - she hates the other family while Juliet was still alive, and even after her death.
1) Kerry added <u>whey</u> to the pancake batter.
2) In Europe, many cooks and bakers <u>weigh</u> their ingredients to measure them
3) Do you know the <u>way</u> to the new supermarket?
4) Joe is going to make pancakes, he needs to find the way to the supermarket so he can buy his ingredients. He then needs to weight them. Later on he mixes all the ingredients to create a batter, and adds whey.