A, a direct dial call I’m pretty sure.
• how long it has been occurring
• if it gets worse at a particular point in the day
•Do you get chest pain, palpitations or ankle swelling?
•Does it come on or get worse when you lie flat?
•Does anything bring it on? For example, pollen, pets or medication?
•Do you smoke?
•Do you also have a cough, or bring up phlegm?
•How active are you usually?
•What’s your job or occupation?
•Is your breathlessness related to certain times at work?
•Do you have a history of heart, lung or thyroid disease or of anaemia?
•Have you made any changes in your life because of your shortness of breath?
•Do you feel worried or frightened, depressed or hopeless?
•What have you done to help you cope with the way you’re feeling?
•Does it come and go or is it there all the time?
•Is there any pattern to your breathlessness?
Answer: your bag will finish at 2112.
Explanation: (38gtt/min) × (10gtt/ml).
Cross multiply. (38gtt×1ml) × (1min×10gtt)
This gives you 38/10...and the gtts cancel out so, it's 38ml/10min.
Simplify this to 3.8 ml/min.
Now, 3.8ml/x min = 500 ml.
Take 500/3.8. This gives you about 132 minutes if you round to the nearest minute. 60 min/he means 132 min = 2h12m. 2h12m from 1900 is 2112.

Mobilization and manipulation are usually performed by
<u>Chiropractors and osteopaths</u>
<u>Insufficient </u><u>lung </u><u>capacity</u> is scba limitation would a firefighter be able to overcome through physical fitness and regular medical evaluations.
<h3>What are the limitations of respirator?</h3>
Full-face respirators are bulkier than half-masks and are frequently less pleasant to use. Full-face air purifying respirators cannot be utilized for all sorts of air contaminants because the type and capacity of the filters and cartridges used limit their use.
<h3>What is the capacity of SCBA?</h3>
SCBA Cylinders are available in five sizes to accommodate all <em>Self Contained Breathing Apparatus</em> (SCBA) and Emergency Escape Breathing Devices: 2L, 3L, 6.8L, 9L, and 10L. (EEBD).
The SCBA delivers compressed oxygen from the oxygen cylinder to the wearer via cylinder valves, pressure reducers, demand valves, and other components. The absorbing canister absorbs carbon dioxide from exhaled air, and the breathing bag resupplies oxygen.
To know more about valves: