Yes, indeed I shall, Torvald. But I can't get on a bit without you to help me; I have absolutely forgotten the whole thing.
Oh, we will soon work it up again.
Yes, help me, Torvald. Promise that you will! I am so nervous about it — all the people — . You must give yourself up to me entirely this evening. Not the tiniest bit of business — you mustn't even take a pen in your hand. Will you promise, Torvald dear?
I promise. This evening I will be wholly and absolutely at your service, you helpless little mortal. Ah, by the way, first of all I will just — (Goes toward the hall-door.)
A calorie is a unit that is used to measure energy.
B. to lend impact to the sonnet's conclusion.
The lines present in the question were taken from Shakespeare's Sonnet 130. <u>The two lines at the end, or the final couplet, are structured in a different way from the others because their purpose is to lend impact to the sonnet's conclusion. Throughout the poem, the speaker is "criticizing" the woman he loves. </u>While Petrarchan sonnets were usually used to elevate women to an impossible status, comparing them to natural elements and concluding that they were always more beautiful, Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 does the opposite. The woman is a normal one, not more beautiful, sweeter, nor better smelling than anything else. <u>Still, at the final couplet, after all that criticism, the speaker says he loves her. Not only does he love her, but he won't lie about her. He loves her for who she really is.</u>
Invade: Enter a place, situation, or sphere of activity) in large numbers, especially with intrusive effects... Synonyms for invade: occupy & takeover
Explore: travel through and unfamiliar area in order to learn about it.... Synonyms for explore: Tour & search