The topic sentence outlines (obviously) the topic of an essay or other written work. This usually contains the main idea (think about an introductory paragraph. A topic sentence is this, but condensed into a sentence.)
Sentence A is correctly punctuated.
For the other answer choices, a question mark shouldn't be placed.
Some benefits with flags are indentifying certain things such as, states, LGBTQ+, BLM, Continents, Elections, or flags in general. One drawbacks is that they can also hold a lot of meaning behind them and can cause people to divide.
Racism hugely effects economically. Theres a thing called gentrification and white flight. Gentrification example is Hawaii. Hawaii is a brown state, but because of white people moving there the natives are forced to leave their homes. White flight is when a neighborhood is white, but has an increasing number of minorities moving into the area, and because of that, and the people not wanting diversity the white people leave, thats why its called white flight.
You can look into it a lot more but that majorly effects the US, in places like New York, New Jersey, Detroit, Hawaii, California etc