confrontational tactics
confrontational tactics means that the approach was militant in nature involving aggressive and physical standoffs
Wait what? I’m confuse. I don’t know. Nvm. Thanks for the points :))
The filibuster is the right to unlimited debate a bill.
This leads to the abbility of the minorities to do an ever debating process con a bill they don´t feel like passing. Though this could be used wrong, it also assures that every bill that passes is well thought and well discussed. THe large parties with majority at senate have considered in the past making a move on removing the filibuster with no success yet.
Answer: a. an action is morally right just because it is required by an optimific social rule.
Rule of consequentialism is of opinion that an act can be considered right based on its correlation with some special code rules and not based on how good the result of the consequence is.
For example it is a world wide moral standard that lying is not good, but the rule of consequentialism approves lying if it will save a life.
Economic Depression if I’m not mistaken.