According to the observation, I would conclude that the fungus has asexual form of reproduction. This is because asexual spores germinate and produce new hyphae anytime and anywhere as long as the conditions are favorable. Sexual pores on the other hand need a time of dormancy after the are formed before they produce more hyphae.
the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a by-product.
Geiger-Muller tube is instruments requires you test three times the background of the work area.
These detectors are gas filled detectors and hence requires time for responding to the value. This time is taken because during this period it collects the electric charges and features of the electric circuit. It also gets stabilized during this period. This device has thumb rule i.e one must wait or hold for at the least 3 times the time constant before getting the precise and accurate reading. The time constant order is 10 seconds for the ionization chamber but for the Geiger counter it can vary from seconds to greater than 20 seconds
How can examining specimens under a microscope help scientists classify an organism? It can help scientists classify an organism because they can see it super close up. In plant cells, how are chloroplasts and mitochondria related?
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