Modernity resulted in a number of social and economic
changes in America. As the economy boomed, wages rose for most Americans and
prices fell, resulting in a higher standard of living, there was an increase in
consumerism. As a result, there was a change in the way they dressed, thought,
and acted in a manner that shocked their more traditional parents.
Is there a list of choices to select from?
1. universities to admit all students regardless of their race
2. interracial marriages allowed
3. prayer not allowed in public schools
4. police have to read rights to people
5. states have to obey the Supreme Court
6. desegregation of public schools
During the reign of Akhenaten, he abolished the Egyptian's usual polytheistic ways in order to worship the god Aten, the "sun-disk".
Well he was impeached for lieing about an affair he had with another women and he denied it but then he admitted he was having a affair well seeing another women.