The cycle of phases has an average period of 29.53... days (rounded).
If the moon is full tonight, then it will be full again in 59.06 days.
59.06 days is 8 weeks and 3.06 days.
Does that fit what you mean by "about" 8 weeks ?
The expected weather is that of a typical Florida summer day is described below in detail explanation.
In the summer months, the temperature is pretty great at Florida beach. This huge temperature is the outcome of a low degree of cloud ceiling at the beach. The breeze is from the ocean side. In the day time temperature is more prominent over the area and prevails low above the ocean. This occurs in the form of low pressure above the ground and high pressure above the sea. This creates the wind to move from the shores to the ground.
Rain would be probable in the afternoon. This rain would be short-spanned and may come with a thunderstorm.
Some meteorites contain organic compounds which may be precursors to today's living cells,<span> provides evidence to support this idea.</span>
The development of large farms has polluted the river through waste runoff.
Samarkand is smaller in size than Tashkent.