The group's performance is likely to be low because the group fails to change dysfunctional norms, when there is high conformity and low deviance in a group.
High-status deviance has such actions as making fewer contributions to task performance or exercising less influence in the group's discussion.
Kosslyn's experiment found that the brain activity in the visual cortex:
<u>Plays a causal role in both perception and imagery.</u>
The investigation over the visual cortex done by Kossy, discovered that mental imaginary would activate the area of the visual cortex. This is so important because it proves that the brain, specifically this part, can operate without the real visual stimuli.
In other words the experiment proved that the visual cortex is not exclusivly activated when visual stimuli is present. This part of the brain can be activated by mental representation of for instance and object.
This experiment is important for the understangin of perception and memory.
Scientific Management focused on handling people with less conflict and building trust between the management and the workers to achieve higher efficiency and productivity. Administrative principles approach focused on the organization rather than the workers. In Administrative approach, they achieve higher efficiency and productivity by controlling, organizing, planning and commanding individual workers.