Slime will look like liquid when you continue to add water . well it usually looks like a solid at first
it will wither since it has been placed on a fresh water.
since mangrove plant grows on a salty water environment the available water from the mangrove plant will move to a highly concentrated region to a lowly concentrated region
Chronic bronchitis might lead to other diseases because it weakens your immune system and makes it easier to catch diseases and harder to fight them off.
TRUE- The Lord said to the serpent “because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals.”
low level of calcium would result in fewer signals sent between pre and post synaptic cells.
The calcium has a main role in signal transmission mechanism and here is the mechanism :
1-the impulse reaches the synapse (depolarization which is a voltage change).
2-the voltage gated calcium channels open and let calcium flow into the cell.
3-the calcium causes the synaptic vesicles to rupture and release chemical transmitters which cross the synaptic cleft and finally bind to receptors on the post synaptic cell (transmitting the signal)
so it's obvious that if calcium concentration decreases, the signal transmission also decreases.