there is no label...................
When the plants and bacteria reach water, they get into a hypotonic solution means, the concentration of solutes is greater inside the cell than outside of it. When the plant and bacteria are placed in water, they take up water by osmosis and starts to swell, but the cell wall prevents it from bursting. The plant cell become turgid. Turgidity means the cells are swollen and hard. The increase in pressure makes the cell rigid. This is why they do not expand and burst.
The Microscope
Before the 1600s, every living thing was a part of a two kingdom classification system derivative of binomial nomenclature. This was proposed by Linnaeus, a Swedish Naturalist, who split all living things into either the animalia or plantae kingdom. After the invention of the microscope however, a new detailed classification system was put in order to accommodate for microscopic life. This new system recognizes the existence of 6 kingdoms: eubacteria, archaebacteria, prostista, fungi, plantae, and animalia.
The Oxidation-Fermentation Test is used to differentiate bacteria built on their capability to oxidize or ferment specific sugars.
Once microbes are inoculated,-One tube is sealed with a layer of sterile mineral oil to promote anaerobic growth and fermentation.-The other tube is left unsealed to allow aerobic growth and oxidation.
Organisms able to ferment the carbohydrate or ferment and oxidize the carbohydrate will turn the sealed and unsealed yellow throughout.
Organisms able only to oxidize the sugar will turn the unsealed yellow medium and leave the sealed medium green or blue.
Fragile fermenters will convert both tubes slightly yellow at the top.
Organisms not able to metabolize the sugar will either produce no color change or will turn the medium blue due to alkaline products from amino acids degradation.
Since Pair #1 showed complete yellowing for sealed and unsealed, these Organisms able to ferment the carbohydrate or ferment and oxidize the carbohydrate. So our interpretation will be that the organism has: Oxidation and fermentation OR fermentation only.
For tubes #2 and #3, the sealed tubes were green throughout suggests that they need oxygen for aerobic growth, and the fact that their unsealed tubes showed light yellowing is evidence for oxidation. Sealed - Green and Unseal - Yellow. Our interpretation for these pairs of tubes would be : Oxidation
Tube 1 can be either Oxidation and fermentation OR fermentation only. So reliability of this needs to be confirmed more with additional testing.
Tubes 2 and 3 are most reliable because they can only be oxidation only and no fermentation.