False. Willard Wigan has created a microscopic replica of the statue of Liberty. It was Auguste Bartholdi, the designer of the the original statue who made several replicas on display in Paris, though none of them are as tall as the original one.
...Charged very high prices to move farm products to market
The farmers felt the railroads had monopoly power over them. The farmers essentially had no choice but to send their crops to market on trains. There was not much, if any, competition on most short-line tracks that went through farm areas. Therefore, most farmers had to simply accept whatever price railroads charged to transport crops. Farmers felt the railroads could gouge them by charging high prices and that they, the farmers, had no recourse when this happened. They blamed much of their trouble on this monopoly power.
César Chavez, fought for farm laborers' rights, and worked really hard to improve work conditions for many farm workers.
He was inspired by methods previously used by Mahatma Gandhi, such as strikes, boycotts, fasts and marches, using them to draw attention to his cause. Furthermore, he never answered with full on violence, but he responded with passive resistance, just like Gandhi did.
César Chávez transformed conditions and pay for many labor workers, making him a champion of the poor.
False, because not only did vietnam trade with foreign countries, but vietnam also conducted trade within its own domestic economic networks