In a medical procedure, it is essential to report if the patient needed an additional care or service that is more than the standard procedure or care. This is essential for all qualified healthcare providers and professionals. Based on the fact sheet in Modifier 25, the answer to the question above is true.
the doe did not eat
it should be did the doe not eat
no the dog did not eat
The scale is same.
The scale of nuclear fusion reaction on earth is the same as compared to fusion reactions that is happening in the sun because both reactions produces the same product i. e. energy and heat etc and both are occurring naturally. Due to large size of the sun, huge number of nuclear fusion reactions occur ac compared to the earth which is smaller in size so the scale of both nuclear fusion reactions are the same but vary in numbers.
In a covalent bond, there is sharing of the donated electron by two atomic species having very small electronegative differences between them.
Oxidation is the loss of electrons by a specie and it usually lead to an increase in oxidation number.
Reduction is the gain of electrons by a specie. It leads to a lower oxidation number.
Since there is no actual loss of gain of electrons in a covalent body, the electronegativiy is at work.
Electronegativity is the ability of a specie to draw the shared electrons more to itself in a covalent bond.
- Between two atoms bonded covalently, the more electronegative specie draws the electrons closer.
- This leaves a partial negative charge on it.
- The other electron then becomes partially positively charged.
- We can then say, the more electronegative specie undergoes reduction.
- The less electronegative one undergoes oxidation.
learn more:
Covalent bond
Oxidation and reduction
(CFCs) chemicals contain carbon, chlorine and fluorine and is t so expensive at
the same time it’s not flammable, the reason why it is mainly used in business
such as refrigerators and plastics. However, these chemicals destroys our
stratosphere, the second layer of the Earth’s atmosphere and protects us by
blocking the ultraviolet radiation (UV Light). This type of radiation can seep
through organisms skins and can leave destructive effects on DNA molecules
which will also cause skin cancer.</span>