"A Good Man is Hard To Find" is a short story written by Flannery O'Connor in 1953. The story focuses on a family car trip with the Bailey family. The Grandmother continuously attempts to reroute the trip. Through many stops and hurtles the characters highlight a discussion of subjective values leading to the declaration "a good man is hard to find."
individual vs self
i took the quiz and got it correct
The answer to this question is <span>C. Just because she and Gretchen are rivals does not mean they can't be friends. because in the end they smiled and looked at each other as people and get along with, i am in k12 7th grade and i took the test and this is correct hope this helps and the best answer you had</span>
When you do a testimonial other people have different opinions and everybody has different evidence towards the testimonial which is based on opinion for what you think.
A persons gravity will be more on jupiter than on earth