Answer: The origin of the case was somewhat trivial, but had great implications for the role of the Supreme Court in government. Marbury was appointed by John Adams, the president before Madison, as a district judge in Washington DC. When Madison became president, he didn't deliver the papers to finalize Marbury's appointment.
Marbury took him to Court, and although the Court initially sided with Marbury, the court, with John Marshall serving as Chief Justice, ultimately determined that the law that allowed Marbury to take the case to court was not constitutional. This meant that the law was struck down.
This was the first incidence of the Supreme Court exercising judicial review, the review of laws to determine constitutionality and their rejection if they are not, in the history of the United States. It was a landmark case not for the spat between Marbury and Madison over a district judgeship, but because it marked a huge expansion of the power of the Supreme Court (and thus the judicial branch).
We have seen the power of judicial review exercised in many cases since this one, such as Miranda vs Arizona (which established the law that police must read you your 'Miranda Rights' when they arrest you) and Plessy vs Ferguson, which determined that laws governing "seperate but equal" facilities for people of different races were in theory inherently unequal, and in practice clearly offered worse facilities to people of color.
Sons of liberty- a group started by paul revere to get back at england
Repeal- to cancel
Smggler- a person who brings things into the country illegally
Because when the big bang happens it spread out all that matter and energy and like a rock when it hits the water the waves keep spreading out
A. sees changes in society as natural, inevitable, and even desirable. change as abrupt, even revolutionary, rather than incremental.
Conflict theory is a social perspective that focuses on the stratification of a harmful and dysfunctional society. There is inequality perpetuated in society and rich people got benefits from the expenses of the poor. Conflict theory was derived from Karl Marx's ideas. The founder of conflict theory was Wright Mills. Mills believed that society is a dynamic perspective in that changes occur. It is not stable but is dynamic. This theory has been criticized on social change and neglects its stability. Many of the critics think that society is the continuous change but point was that changes were not so much incremental or beneficial. Conflict theorists focus on constant change and try to develop a theory on the stability of society.
It can reduce brain injuries.
This rule of wearing helmet is a good initiative taken by the commissioner of the national football league. these helmets reduce the risk of concussions because these helmets are made of good materials and able to protect the head of the players from brain injury. So avoid such type of injuries, the helmet should be used by the player which can absorb all the energy and protect the head of the player.