C. Strip malls, big box retail stores, malls, and drive-throughs have been developed to accommodate shoppers driving automobiles.
Shopping has now evolved into complete new thing. Earlier there were markets which were not constructed permanently and there were small carts which used to gather at one place and people shop from there. Suburban shopping experience is completely different from the rural ones. There are malls, big retail stores which enable drive through facility for the visitors so they don't have to experience hectic shopping. The shopping is now eased by online system and the grocery and other basic need shopping can be done by sitting at home.
La ganancia depende de la cantidad que la persona invirtió en el banco.
Si una persona invierte 10000 dólares en su cuenta bancaria, obtendrá 200 dólares de beneficio al mes si la tasa es del 2% mensual. Si la cantidad de inversión aumenta hasta 1 millón de dólares, entonces la persona obtiene más ganancias que son 20000 dólares, entonces la ganancia depende de la cantidad que la persona invirtió en el banco y la tasa de ganancia dada por el banco.
In order to keep up with the tidal force of the moon, the tidal bulge waveform moves across earth's oceans at a speed of about 1,600 KM per hour.
The tidal bulge waveform is the distortion of water and Earth that we call a tidal bulge is a result of deformation of earth and water materials at different places on Earth and response to the combined gravitational effect of Moon and sun. It is two ocean bulges created on opposite sides of Earth due to the moon's gravitational pull and the ocean's resistance to the pull.
High and low tides are caused by the Moon. The Moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the Moon and the side farthest from the Moon. These bulges of water are high tides.
Learn more about tidal bulge:
Answer: clearly it will grow, but I’m not sure that’s the answer you want