Answer:she wanted a deeper meaning in edc
This can lead to, if the other person's idea is more popular or the other person themself is, the great thinker being discredited and/or disliked. Such as if someone said a very popular food was poisonous, but someone else said it wasn't, people might believe the latter person's idea, as they don't want the other to be true possibly. It can also possibly have the reverse effect of the person with the other idea being discredited and/or disliked. If the great think is known for being a great thinker, people might then think anyone who disagrees with them must be wrong and possibly even foolish or something. It also may lead to it being harder for people to realize when the great thinker is wrong because they might have already thought of how they must be right and started thinking that the other was clearly wrong because of that, which might dissuade them from realizing they were actually wrong and that the great thinker had made the mistake. This may also apply if both are correct, but people think the great thinker is *more* correct.
I'll post parts of the story that used the dogs as metaphors.
<span>"He chuckled as their muffled noises reminded him of whimpering puppies down at the animal shelter where he volunteered. Puppies always seemed to make noises as they played and whined for attention from the older dogs or volunteers. He liked working in the smaller dog area where all the older dogs looked out for the puppies, just like family, just like his family of older members looking out for the younger ones."
The metaphor of the dog gave me a clear picture of what their family is and how they act towards one another.
Their family is big in number and most of them are kids. They are a boisterous bunch and they enjoy each others company just like puppies. The older batch of cousins are like the big dogs that keep watch over the younger cousins like puppies.
Their family is big, happy, warm, and clearly enjoys each others company.</span>
Definition: a soldier stationed to keep guard or to control access to a place.
If you replace the word sentry with guard you would better understand the sentence.
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