Number 8 is A and number 9 is C
The social issue that Kate Chopin primarily depicts in her story "The Story of an Hour" is the inner concerns of ordinary women in the nineteenth century.
Human Nature
Despite our best efforts, our conclusions about others are often nothing more than speculative convictions. We know less than we think we do about the motives, impulses, and objectives of our fellow man.
Okay so, connotation is what kind of feeling the word gives off. So, when you hear someone glared at someone, what do you picture in your mind? Probably someone staring at someone fiercely or in an angry way, right? That's the connotation. When you hear someone gulped something down, you probably picture them drinking it like it's the last drink they're ever going to get. This is the connotation. So, glared gives an intense or angry feeling and gulped gives a quick and desperate feeling. Hope this helps!