Perceptual consistency is a tendency that people have that make us assume every similar objects will have a standardized shape, size, colour, or location even if when we look at them from different angles or distance.
For example, hold a coin and take a look at it. Most humans know that coins are circular in shape. Now turn that coin and see it from sideways. From that new perspective, that coin will no longer look circular. But we still know that the coin is circular due to our perceptual consistency.
The president would be interviewed by Congress and a hearing would be made to impeach the president, just because the president is impeached doesn't mean he's kicked out
adjective, un·health·i·er, un·health·i·est. not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition. symptomatic of or resulting from bad health: an unhealthy pallor. not conducive to good health; unhealthful: Night air was formerly considered unhealthy. they just ain't taking good care of themselves and eat junk all the time too
<span>It was a general in the Continental Army during the War of Independence <span>of the United States. (</span></span><span>it is known for betraying the United States<span>)</span></span>
If you meant to include New Hampshire, it would be that all of the colonies were against Massachusetts policies.