Lack of incentive - The lack of incentive among the colonists to complete important tasks led to the tasks not getting done. Many settlers were "gentlemanly" - Since most of the settlers considered themselves "gentlemanly", they considered the hard work of a settler "beneath" them and consequently did not get most of the basic things needed to survive done.
Expectations of finding gold - The expectations of finding gold (and mining it) led to people neglecting things such as gathering food, setting up shelter, etc. Location - The location that the settlers chose to settle in at was great for defending against naval incursions but terrible for living conditions. Bad Relations with Natives- The relations with the local Native Americans(which were all mistakenly grouped up into the Powhatan Indians) were not as good as they could be; if they had had a better relationship they could have traded for food and/or shelter which could have led to lower mortality rates
The turning point in Shakespeare's career came in 1593. The theatres had been closed since 1592 due to an outbreak of the plague and, although it is possible that Shakespeare toured the outlying areas of London with acting companies like Pembroke's Men or Lord Strange's Men, it seems more likely that he left the theatre entirely during this time to work on his non-dramatic poetry. The hard work paid off, for by the end of 1593, Shakespeare had caught the attention of the Earl of Southampton.Southampton became Shakespeare's patron, and on April 18, 1593, Venus and Adonis was entered for publication. Shakespeare had made his formal debut as a poet. The dedication Shakespeare wrote to Southampton at the beginning of the poem is impassioned and telling, "phrased with courtly deference" (Rowse 74):
I would have probably been a patron of the arts.
It went against the social norms of the time, it fueled an idealistic utopian view of peace, love, and anti-materialism