1. All thriving things need energy in order to defend themselves (escape danger) and perform functions such as growth, maintaining balance, repair, reproduction, movement.
Sorry, I don't completely understand the second one
Definite article is used before a noun (person place or thing) to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader.
indefinite article is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
There is a place in the lid where the fluid rushes to when you tip it, leaving the air bubbles in the cylinder of the bottle. In some companies it's a chemical inside the fluid that can evaporate over time and looses it's " magic" effect.
Higher phosphates is typically associated with a large amount of organic material in a water supply. A large amount of organic material implies rapid growth, so higher phosphates is the only feasible choice.
My main goal is to find my will to be alive