the goal was to "convert the wrongdoer"
Gandhi hoped to make the world aware of British injustice by accepting punishment without striking back He also hoped to make the British aware of their own wrongdoing.
Women in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries were challenged with expressing themselves in a patriarchal system that generally refused to grant merit to women's views.
The way that the 1862 Homestead Act helped pull immigrants to the United States is by providing immigrants with inexpensive farmland.
Many immigrants were drawn to the fact that they could own their own farmland, and not have to pay a lot for them. This is why a lot of these immigrants moved to the US.
Well, freedom was a pretty important aspect of the enlightenment. It was in fact during this enlightenment era that American fought for and gain its independence. The declaration of Independence was very much influenced by Enlightenment philosopher, John Locke's ideas on human independence.
You can look up how John Locke influenced the US Declaration of Independence