A. Incas. Should be the correct answer because they developed in the Andes Mountains
Matching is as shown below:
1. pronoun with no specific antecedent - indefinite pronoun
2. determined by function - case
3. consistency between subject and verb or pronoun and antecedent - agreement
4. subject case - nominative
5. clarifies or renames preceding noun - appositive
6. clause with implied subject or verb - elliptical clause
7. adjective phrase without word to modify - dangling construction
8. points out which one - demonstrative pronoun
9. two-word pronoun - reciprocal pronoun
The person above me is correct mark brainliest !!!!
See below
In this passage Edgar Allan Poe utilizes several basic literary devices to build suspense and create a greater plot in this story.
The story begins with the narrator , the day before he has been condemned to die.His home before the fire is nondescript, but it is said to have a beautiful garden. The narrator routinely hangs out taverns; adding to the feeling of something lingering and violence that he brings home. His home also has a dark, dank cellar; which foreshadows elements of the story to come.
The strongest example of foreshadowing comes in the form of the black cat and white cat, which is also missing and eye like Pluto, reminding the narrator of the violent act, but the white mark on his chest changes shape to look like a gallows. This foreshadow the judgement that will ultimately find the narrator in this story.
The narrator is almost reluctant to tell his tale, because he doesn't believe anyone will believe him. He begins with his childhood, where he describes how he was somewhat different than other children. Then the story moves into the early years of his marriage. The pacing is slow and deliberate, ultimately leading to the reveal of how he wound up murdering his wife and being sentenced to death.