1. tetrapods are ( four-limbed animals ) . examples of tetrapods include (extanct and extinct amphibians , reptiles , and mammals )
2. Tetrapods first appear in the fossil record ( 367.5 ) million years ago .
3. Charles Darwin predicted that tetrapods evolved from ( a finned organism that lived in the water) . What observation leads do that hypothesis?( they have “fleshy fins” and “lobe fins”) .
5. Fish use ( gills ) to breathe underwater .
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The limitations that nerve impulses have are
1). The impulses can move only in one direction.This is because the nerves are structured to allow unidirectional flow.
2). The electrical impulses are quite short acting. The message is only sent in the presence of the stimulus.
Skeletal muscles contribute to maintaining temperature homeostasis in the body by generating heat. Muscle contraction requires energy and produces heat as a byproduct of metabolism.