It’s C. The start point of the cycle. I took this on my test
All biological enzymes function best at particular pH values (most require pH 6 to 7) in the human stomach, the pH of 2-3 provides the environment required for the proper functioning of the digestive enzymes found there and this is the perfect condition for preservation of food and digestion of food.
The adding of basic material decrease acidity that happens due to the lower pH of the stomach. The very common basic material which is used to neutralize the acidity of stomach milk of magnesia.
The lower pH of the stomach cause acidity which is injurious to the health and also the mucous lining of the stomach. To balance is acidity milk of magnesia is required.
Darwin's finches are a traditional illustration of an adaptive radiation. Their ancestor came on the Galapagos Island about two million years ago. With time Darwin's finches have developed into fifteen different species separated on the basis of beak shape, body size, and feeding and song behavior.
The population of finches possesses the tendency of evolving rapidly in response to a changing environment. However, they can also get extinct in condition if the weather fluctuates too briskly between the dry and wet seasons. This would most likely take place due to the immigration of genes and mutations within the genes that are conducted on to the next generations.