Not enough info:( sorry summit again with more.
It is true that parents should ideally set their expectations ahead of time to help guide the child. The correct answer is true.
The Jews Hermann and Auguste van Pels with their son Peter,
Fritz Pfeffer and the Frank family were the folk hiding in the Secret Annexe.
They stayed inside, never leaving. They kept completely silent and keep the
curtains drawn. They have a ritual in the morning, the afternoon and evening contingent to the working schedules of the warehousemen to keep the laborers from discovering them.
I m 95 % sure on the first one, the rest are 100% sure.
Today, animators use new technology in making cartoons.
New Technology (Direct) Animators (indirect)
Last weekend we gave our dog a present.
Present(Direct object) Dog (Indirect object)
No, we did not hand him a bone.
Bone (direct object) Him (Indirect object)