<span>Phoebe saw a movie in which a doctor puts a blanket over a crippled baby's face and killed it. He did this was so that the baby didn't have to face a life of pain, but the doctor went to jail because a doctor is not supposed to take children away from God. When Holden heard about this movie, it helped him to realize that he's not supposed to do the will of God either.</span>
To be superficial means to be shallow, to lack depth. From the passage given above, the man in the passage show his ignorance by revealing that he has never seen white elephants before and the reply that the girl gave him shows that, she dislike his ignorance in such matter.
Basically means that if you tell the truth sometimes it can turn into a unexpected good thing
Explain the title why, you reckon?<span>
The title of this short story is a highlight of the moral. This story written
by Langston Hughes, narrates of a black man who, like many other in the
post-WWII United States which was in the middle of an economic depression, had
found himself wondering if money could buy you happiness, and why are rich
people not happy?</span>
Who is asking the question?<span>
The question is presented by the protagonist, who wonders why rich people are
unhappy, despite all the amount of money they have at their disposal. The young
man was poor and hungry and decided to go all the way committing a crime just
for the chance to buy himself a little bit of happiness. </span>
What are they wondering about?<span>
The protagonist is wondering if money could perhaps buy happiness, and if so,
why people who have money and power are still unhappy and bored with their
lives? He had always believed that money would make life easier (which is still
a vastly shared thought) and cannot understand how come people with money are
not afraid to lose them. </span>
Who are they asking?<span>
The question in the title is perhaps directed to the reader, creating a
connection between the story and the real, outside world. But in the story the
main character is wondering alone in the streets while asking this question to himself.
Why do they want to know?<span>
The main character is eager to understand whether money can buy happiness,
since he has started to doubt it after the encounter with the rich young man
who was excited about being robbed, describing the experience as one of the
most thrilling experiences of his life. The protagonist cannot comprehend how rich
people can still be unhappy and bored despite the immense fortune they have
available. </span>