Long term
A business needs to plan in order to meet it business objectives and also to adequately satisfy the customer.
Short term plans are those that meet immediate business and customer needs. The require less preparation and cost to implement.
Long term plans require more planning and are meant to meet long term objective of the business. Cost is also higher than for short term plans.
In this scenario Boeing needs several years to develop an aircraft that has more fuel efficiency. So their plans are long term and aimed to satisfy customer needs.
Standards or criteria that will be used
A project charter is an informal contract between a project team and the project sponsor. The project charter shows a detailed plan of each aspect of a project; from scope to objectives, etc as well as grants the project team the power to create a project plan.
A project charter helps the project team to develop an understanding of the project to be undertaken, thereby enhancing team performance. Before a project charter is signed between both parties, all risks must have been eliminated.
When acceptance criteria factors are added to the schedule of a project charter, it helps the project team to know who will be judging the quality of their work as well as the standard that the judge will be using.
I hope this helps.
As the population ages, with proportionally more older people and fewer younger people, demand patterns shift and opportunities arise in new markets. That means some industries will suffer or need to undergo dramatic shifts to remain relevant.
The correct answer is normative analysis.
A positive analysis is the one that attempts to reflect reality with statements of cause and effect and is used mainly in microeconomics. On the other hand, a normative analysis, in which reality is prescribed, that is, we go beyond explanation and prediction, value judgments are used.
In contrast to the positive analysis, the normative analysis responds how the law should achieve efficiency objectives. This analysis assumes that efficiency is an objective that law should reflect and that legal norms should change when they fail. From this perspective, efficiency is a social value that the Law should promote.
accelerated filer, A company reporting requirements for five years and has an aggregate worldwide market cap of $300 million is an accelerated filer.
More about accelerated filer?
A publicly traded company that, as of the end of its fiscal year, satisfies each of the following requirements:
- As of the final business day of the company's most recent completed second fiscal quarter, the total worldwide market value of the voting and non-voting common equity held by its non-affiliates (or public float) was $75 million or more but less than $700 million.
- For at least 12 months, the company has been required to report in accordance with Sections 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act.
- The business has previously submitted at least one annual report in accordance with Exchange Act Sections 13(a) or 15(d).
- The company does not meet the revenue requirements (which include those listed below), so it is not eligible for smaller reporting company status.
Learn more about accelerated filer here: