Answer and Explanation:
After reading the essay "Names nombres" written by J. Alvarez, we can learn how difficult it is for a family of Spanish origin to maintain their names and traditions within a totally different culture like that of the USA, especially when that family comes from a country considered to be "third world", seen as inferior and often shameful and devalued. This affected the way Alvarez saw her own identity, associated with her and her family names. These names were pronounced so differently by the Americans, it seemed that they were erasing the Latin origin of it and imposing an Americanized and more "normal" version.
In this essay, Alvarez approaches her youth as a Latin immigrant in the USA. It shows how difficult it is to live between two cultures and how it affects various elements in people's lives.
The M70, also known as the Soweto Highway, links Soweto with central Johannesburg via Nasrec and Booysens. This road is multi lane, has dedicated taxiways and passes next to Soccer City in Nasrec. A major thoroughfare through Soweto is the Golden Highway. It provides access to both the N1 as well as the M1 highways.
Scan your draft to catch typing mistakes.
Review your word choice to ensure the writing is in formal style.
During the editing stage, you need to make sure that your work has no typing errors and the word choices that are being used must convey the exact meaning that needs to be conveyed.
Editing stage also requires you to see if the paragraphs are in the order they need to be and the quotations are properly cited according to the given citation rules.
Division is where you have a sertain about of (for example) money, and you have to split it up equally with four people. So yes basically.