spiritual terms
The words "soul" and "ideal Grace" refer to one's state of being, his/her spirit. These words are not physical things that can be touched. These are also not scientific terms. Scientific terms are usually very subject specific such as photosynthesis and chlorophyll when discussing plants. Intellectual terms are also not used. They are similar to scientific terms.
Answer: Depends
Explanation: Poems can describe feelings, emotions, thinking and ideas. Art can do the same thing if you look closely :D
This is just my answer tbh I don’t think there is a “right” answer for this
During the depression people were unemployed some starving, uprooted from homes that had been around for generations, ghettos, millions of lives altered.
Where was the American Dread Alive and Well?
(Your address)
Top Aliens
c/o Out of this World Bob ZA
Alien dolls
125 Marz Street
Martian Village, NY 96985
Dear Bobett,
I saw and ordered your, “Out of
this World Bob ZA Alien” dolls online a few days ago. I received them in the mail today. I noticed it was supposed to come with seven
unique aliens. However, it came with seven
ThingamaBOBs instead.
Can you please send me the other
dolls in the set (Bob, Bobster, Bobbie, Bobetta, RoBOBert, and Bobcat)? If you want, I can send the extra six
ThingamaBOB dolls back.
Thank you for taking care of
this. I know I will enjoy the complete
Bob family!
Best Regards,
Your Name