<em>Many of the products I use are from Asia's resources, especially food.
TWO EXAMPLES: rice (comes from Thailand) and fish sauce (aka "nouc mam") that comes from Vietnam.
<em>The utilization of Asia’s natural resources has depended, to a large extent, not only on the development of technology but also on political circumstances. Thus, until the end of World War II and the beginning of the process of decolonization in Asia, most Asian countries were not free to develop their own natural resources independently and without reference to the economic interest of a colonial power. Cultural attitudes also have affected the utilization of resources. In India cultural taboos prohibit the slaughter of cattle either for food or to conserve resources when the animals are no longer productive.</em>
Geostrophic wind D) flows parallel to contour lines of upper-air pressure .
Geostrophic wind -
Air parcel generally moves from higher pressure to lower pressure due to pressure gradient force and left or right deflection due to coriolis force. When this deflection takes place a time comes when pressure gradient force and coriolis force becomes equal and the air parcel moves parallel to isobar then the winds are called geostrophic winds .
atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere.
Birincisi, şeytanın (şeytan) kovulmasının ardından Adem ve Havva'yı ayartmanın bir yolunu bulması ancak Allah Most High'ın izniyle oldu. Cennetten kovulması, onlara ulaşmasını imkansız kılmak için değildi. Ne de olsa tarihteki bu önemli olay, cennetten bu dünyaya düşüşü getiren şeydir, bu yüzden bugün buradayız. Açıkçası, bu İlahi planın ve bilgeliğin bir parçası olarak oldu.
Türkçeyi akıcı bir şekilde konuşamadığım için İngilizceye devam edeceğim.
The exact nature of how Shaytan tempted Adam is differed upon. There is no conclusive evidence as to how this happened in the Islamic primary sources, only various speculations.
Imam al-Qurtubi mentions that the strongest opinion was that Shaytan tempted them with his voice only, saying this was the opinion of Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn `Abbas and the majority of the scholars.
He also cites weaker opinions that closely followed the Genesis 3:1 account, or that Shaytan used his minions, along with the ability to whisper in the hearts. [al-Qurtubi, Tafsir]
C. supports American Colonization