When the body element CSS color style was changed, The color of all the text in the HTML file changed to the specified color, the same goes for font-size, font-weight, etc.
HTML or hypertext markup language is a markup language used in web development to implement the position and structure of the web page. It has no style, so, CSS or cascading style sheet is used to style the HTML elements in the web page.
Spyware is a type of program that is installed with or without your permission on your personal computers to collect information about users, their computer or browsing habits tracks each and everything that you do without your knowledge and send it to remote user.
Following are the program in the Python Programming language.
#define function
def negative_num(num_list):
#set list type variable
#set the for loop
for n in num_list:
#check negative numbers
#add the value of n in list
#return list
return nlist
#set new list type variable that store list
#print and call the function
[-5, -6, -4, -7]
Here, we define the function "negative_num" and pass an argument "num_list" in its parameter and inside the function.
- Set new list data type variable "nlist".
- Set the for loop which iterate as the list.
- Set the if conditional statement to check the value of the list is less than 0 then, add that negative values in the variable "nlist".
- Then, return the new list.
Finally, we set a variable "newl" which store the list of negative and positive numbers then, we print and call the function.
it is A the hardware im pretty sure but dont put my answer in im not completley sure
def myAppend( str, ch ):
# Return a new string that is like str but with
# character ch added at the end
return str + ch
def myCount( str, ch ):
# Return the number of times character ch appears
# in str.
# initiaalizing count with 0
count = 0
# iterating over every characters present in str
for character in str:
# incrementing count by 1 if character == ch
if character == ch:
count += 1
# returning count
return count
def myExtend( str1, str2 ):
# Return a new string that contains the elements of
# str1 followed by the elements of str2, in the same
# order they appear in str2.
# concatenating both strings and returning its result
return str1 + str2
def myMin( str ):
# Return the character in str with the lowest ASCII code.
# If str is empty, print "Empty string: no min value"
# and return None.
if str == "":
print("Empty string: no min value")
return None
# storing first character from str in char
char = str[0]
# iterating over every characters present in str
for character in str:
# if current character is lower than char then
# assigning char with current character
if character < char:
char = character
# returning char
return char
def myInsert( str, i, ch ):
# Return a new string like str except that ch has been
# inserted at the ith position. I.e., the string is now
# one character longer than before.
# Print "Invalid index" if
# i is greater than the length of str and return None.
if i > len(str):
print("Invalid index")
return None
# str[:i] gives substring starting from 0 and upto ith position
# str[i:] gives substring starting from i and till last position
# returning the concatenated result of all three
return str[:i]+ch+str[i:]
def myPop( str, i ):
# Return two results:
# 1. a new string that is like str but with the ith
# element removed;
# 2. the value that was removed.
# Print "Invalid index" if i is greater than or
# equal to len(str), and return str unchanged and None
if i >= len(str):
print("Invalid index")
return str, None
# finding new string without ith character
new_str = str[:i] + str[i+1:]
# returning new_str and popped character
return new_str, str[i]
def myFind( str, ch ):
# Return the index of the first (leftmost) occurrence of
# ch in str, if any. Return -1 if ch does not occur in str.
# finding length of the string
length = len(str)
# iterating over every characters present in str
for i in range(length):
# returning position i at which character was found
if str[i]==ch:
return i
# returning -1 otherwise
return -1
def myRFind( str, ch ):
# Return the index of the last (rightmost) occurrence of
# ch in str, if any. Return -1 if ch does not occur in str.
# finding length of the string
length = len(str)
# iterating over every characters present in str from right side
for i in range(length-1, 0, -1):
# returning position i at which character was found
if str[i]==ch:
return i
# returning -1 otherwise
return -1
def myRemove( str, ch ):
# Return a new string with the first occurrence of ch
# removed. If there is none, return str.
# returning str if ch is not present in str
if ch not in str:
return str
# finding position of first occurence of ch in str
pos = 0
for char in str:
# stopping loop if both character matches
if char == ch:
# incrementing pos by 1
pos += 1
# returning strig excluding first occurence of ch
return str[:pos] + str[pos+1:]
def myRemoveAll( str, ch ):
# Return a new string with all occurrences of ch.
# removed. If there are none, return str.
# creating an empty string
string = ""
# iterating over each and every character of str
for char in str:
# if char is not matching with ch then adding it to string
if char!=ch:
string += char
# returning string
return string
def myReverse( str ):
# Return a new string like str but with the characters
# in the reverse order.
return str[::-1]