I understand this is an old question by now, but I took what the previous answer said and corrected its grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, and... the other oddities. Full credit goes to them.
Research suggests King Tut died circa 1323 B.C.E. from a gangrene infection at age 19. The infection was possibly the result of a broken leg. ... However, a full scan of his body in 2006 found there was damage to King Tut's skull. King Tutankhamun is one of the most famous pharaohs ever to reign. He actually didn’t get too much accomplished in his ten years as pharaoh. The reason King Tut is so famous is because of his tomb. His tomb was found in almost perfect condition which interested historians and the media. King Tut is a very well known pharaoh to this day.
Tutankhamun’s given name was Tutankhaten which meant “Living image of Aten”. His parents were most likely King Akhenaten and Kiya. He was born during the Amarna period which centered around his father. He spent his childhood in Egypt’s new capital, Amarna.
Akhenaten died when Tutankhaten was only eight or nine years old. Since he was so young, Ay and Horemheb (his later successors) were thought to have helped him with many decisions. One of the first actions took by King Tut was to steer his people away from the Amarna religion. He then restored the orthodox belief in the pantheon of the gods.
King Tut had married his half-sister, Ankhesenpaaten, whose parents were Akhenaten and Nefertiti. After the change in the religious they changed their names to Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun. Tutankhaten is translated to be “Living Image of Aten” but Tutankhamen means “Living Image of Amun”. At the exact moment Lord Carnarvon (the financial backer to the excavation of Tut’s tomb) died, all the lights went out in Cairo.
Many historians couldn’t figure out what caused King Tut’s death. In 1986, Ronald Harrison (a scientist from the U.K.) took a x-ray of King Tut’s head. They found fragments of bone inside of his skull. That lead them to believe that there could have been an injury including his head. The positioning of the injury was not an area that could be damaged accidentally. It most likely occurred after his death due to bad handling of a mummy.