Click the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar, then press ENTER
Excel offers a range of options to perform various mathematical operations. When numeric values are being inputted into cells, either columns or rows, the AutoSum function which is located in the home Taskbar allows for a very fast addition of the total values in the column or rows. Once the cell after the last cell value is selected, the AutoSum function is selected and the ENTER button is pressed, this will use the sum function of excel to quickly provide the total sum of all the values in the column.
In code if you want your character to turn left you put "left" in your code and if you want your character to go right type "right" and so on and so on so your answer is tina.left(90)
Alan Turing fathered the machines we now lovingly call computers, however it was Nicola Tesla that birthed the idea of a world-wide wireless system.
an algorithm (pronounced AL-go-rith-um) is a procedure or formula for solving a problem, based on conducting a sequence of specified actions. A computer program can be viewed as an elaborate algorithm. In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm usually means a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem.
To obtain VLAN information from directly connected switches. To determine the status of network services on a remote device. To determine the status of the routing protocols between directly connected routers .