The non-aggressive model was rewarded
Bobo doll experiment was a famous experiment that was proposed by Albert Bandura in social psychology. In the vicarious reinforcement process, the behavior of a person is not only depending on the imitation but also depends on the positive and negative consequences of the behavior.
So that we can not only watch what the people are doing but we even can watch what people are doing and what is the result behind it. It is also called vicarious learning. People imitate that behavior more that is rewarded than the behavior that is punished.
The main industry for food was rice
The answer is letter C. bypass. The following are some of the meanings we assign to language: concrete, abstract and denotative. Concrete is expressed that can be visualized. Abstract is expressed as an idea or ideas. Denotative is expressed in a literal meaning of the words.
Older workers tend to resist changes more because they have acquired more habits over the years than young people, this is influenced by a personality trait called "mental openness", older adults do not like to lose control of their environment and this usually generates anxiety, fear of failure and the unknown, which is why they are the ones who are most opposed to the inclusion of new systems or technologies to a company.