It was the poverty and failure of appeasement across many nations after WW1. The militarism in Japan and German as a direct response to the economic depression caused political tensions and the eventual invasions of other nations for power.
Correct answer: Social Contract theory (economic form)
Roads and highways are built by governments (local, state and federal), and we support road building and repairs through taxes we pay. This is an economic social contract. The "social contract" refers to an implicit agreement between a government and the citizens of the society overseen by that government.
Philosophers of the Enlightenment era were famous for arguing the idea of a "social contract." According to this view, a government's power to govern comes from the consent of the people themselves -- those who are to be governed. This was a change from the previous ideas of "divine right monarchy" -- that a king ruled because God appointed him to be the ruler. One of the most influential of the social contract theorists was John Locke, who repudiated the views of divine right monarchy in his <em>First Treatise on Civil Government.</em> In his <em>Second Treatise on Civil Government</em>, Locke then argued for the rights of the people to create their own governments according to their own desires and for the sake of protecting and enhancing their own life, liberty, and property. Preserving and enhancing roads and infrastructure, supported by taxes paid, is an example of this sort of economic agreement within the social contract under which we live.
I think the Victorians created astonishing innovation and change. This age was one of paradox and power.
Thomas Jefferson's main purpose on writing the Declaration of Independence was to let the world know the reasons why the United States needed to separate from the government of Great Britain. The best way to doing so was to write the list of ways the King violated the human rights of the colonists, which justifies the Revolution and the Declaration of Independence itself.
El cristianismo influyó directamente en la cultura de Occidente, a tal punto de que es el cristianismo en sus diversas corrientes la principal religión en América y Europa.
El cristianismo, de esta manera, ha influido en la conformación de las primeras sociedades occidentales, moldeando su cultura y su organización legal, política y social. Así, los primeros reyes de las distintas monarquías europeas basaban su poder en la voluntad de Dios, en lo que se conocía como "derecho divino de los reyes". Incluso, el poder religioso en la Edad Media se encontraba a la misma altura que el poder político, siendo artífice de numerosas decisiones trascendentales para las distintas naciones.
Hoy en día esta influencia ha disminuido notablemente. Sin embargo, podemos identificar que las leyes que rigen la vida en sociedad tienen basamento en los 10 mandamientos de la Biblia cristiana. Así, por ejemplo, el delito de homicidio encuentra su correlato en el "no matarás"; el delito de robo o hurto en el "no robarás", etc. En definitiva, la moral cristiana ha moldeado las distintas leyes occidentales de forma clara y notoria, influyendo hoy en día en la regulación de las conductas sociales.