It’s super blurry:(,, i would totally help if it wasn’t !!
B. Great Society
Your Welcome
It was the federal companies that built some of the first road of the nation.
Route 40 or the transnational road came into existence in 1811 as Jefferson and Washington had envisioned for modern roads to connect the whole nation.
This project was done over the next two decades.
These roads were not like the roads we have now whoever.
Those roads which are pave roads of concrete came into existence in 1909 and were mostly built by private companies in this century.
Even now only 70 percent of the roads in US are paved because of the rugged terrains in large parts of the country.
jlnd.khwkj.db ihd;oiqhwi/ldh/lqwhd;liqwhj khihihhj hiohoihyi;ogh.lih hoihiohoiyoiyu oihoihlihlih
At the end of the 5th century February 14th