Before mountain building occurred, the area was underwater.
Through excavation, fossils that are of marine animals are often found high on mountain ranges. This seems weird from today's perspective, as marine animals can only be found in ocean waters, and there is no way they can travel on land and upon the mountains. Earth has changed a lot throughout history though, so such occurances are actually not that weird.
The mountains in Pennsylvania are such a place, with an abundance of marine fossils. When we look at the geological past of what is now Pennsylvania we can easily see why this is the case. The whole area was actually underwater for millions of years. This was the case before mountain building occurred here when part of the ocean floor raised high above the surface of the water and created land. As the crust was going up, the fossils on it went up as well.
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First, there were two independent clinical psychologists who were present or on call 24 hours a day. They had the power to intervene and to remove anyone from the study if they thought they were in distress.
Second, we had paramedics and security guards on hand and ready to intervene at a moment’s notice if anything untoward happened in the study.
Third, the study was constantly monitored by members of a five-person independent ethics panel. This was chaired by a Member of Parliament and also included members of the Holocaust Educational Trust, the Howard League for Penal Reform, the BBC’s Independent Editorial Policy Unit and a senior academic psychologist. This committee had the power to change the way the study as a whole was run and to terminate it if they had ethical concerns.
The river had been called <span>"river of sorrows" due to its constant flooding during its earlier civilizations. </span>