Diploid cells abbreviated 2n and haploid cells abbreviated 1n because 'n' represents number of chromosome present in the cell. In haploid cells the number of chromosome is half in number while in diploid cells the number of chromosome is double so that's why haploid is abbreviated as 1n and diploid is abbreviated as 2n.
Diploid cells are present in body cells while haploid cells are found in sex cells.
Higher objects (with further to fall) have greater potential energy. therefore the maximum height would have the highest amount of potential energy
The correct answer is d Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies
As Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies that"s why his blood cells do not aggutinate when mixed with anti B serum.
The process of
prenatal development occurs in three main stages and they are listed in order;
<span>1. </span>Germinal Stage - begins at conception when the
sperm and egg cell joined in one of the two fallopian tubes.
<span>2. </span>Embryonic Stage - begins at the beginning of
the third week after conception. This stage plays an important role in the
development of the brain.
<span>3. </span>Fetal Stage - begins during the ninth week
and lasts until birth.