The conditions under which each funding method for paying for IT system expenses would be recommended are:
Allocation method is preferred to other methods when actual usage cannot be captured but, some other cost drivers can be used as the allocation bases.
Chargeback method works better than others when actual usage by each unit can be accurately captured.
The Allocation Funding Method charges IT costs to individuals, departments, or business units based on revenues, number of employees, and other cost drivers and not based on usage. It is often used when actual usage cannot be recorded.
The chargeback method charges IT costs to individuals, departments, or business units based on their actual usage of the IT services. With wide variation in IT usage, business units need to be charged their actual costs consumed.
The corporate budget method allocates IT cost based on a periodic predetermined rate. It is used where unit managers need to be given control over their budgets, enabling them to search for cost-saving technologies.