C) Exports decrease, imports increase
If the US dollar appreciates, the US dollar has now more value per unit of foreign currency than before. For example, suppose that today 1 US dollar buys 0.8 Euro, and tomorrow, Europe is hit by a financial crisis, and the US dollar appreciates, and buys 1.2 Euro. The US dollar has appreciated, has become more expensive, becomes now more euros are needed to buy 1 US dollar.
When the US dollar gains value, domestic goods become more expensive compared to foreign goods, and this promotes imports, and reduces exports.
This is the reason why China keeps a depreciated currency: China is an export economy and the cheap Chinese currency makes exports cheaper, and imports more expensive.
<u>c. Credence attributes</u>
- Credence is a good that has attributes that cannot be observed by the consumer even after purchasing the thus makes it difficult for them to access its utility such as expert services and medical procedures, automobile repairs, etc.
- Here the seller has the option to change the quality ad quantity of the price by using his tactics and hence can cheat buyers with an inferior good. Like the automobile repair may be insufficient.
Plagiarism is an illegal act of presenting another author's intellectual work or copyrighted items by using their ideas, thoughts, language or expressions, word for word.
The first issue you will need to address as you redesign the corporate blog is to ensure that you are avoiding copyright violations and plagiarism in order to avoid having many direct paragraphs from competitor websites and product manufacturing magazines.
Stewart will probably have to accept a higher level of risk
Hence, a large-risk investment is one in which the risks of failure, or of losing some or all of the asset, are greater than the average.
- These opportunities often offer investors the ability for greater returns in exchange for embracing the degree of risk associated with that.
- In saving account he gets 3% rate of return but also gets a lower rate of risk and does not earn much.
If he invests his money in higher-risk fields like shares, he may get a higher profit.
The is purpose of marketing plan is to:define strategies to engage audiences in order to achieve business objectives
hope it helps