1 by 2 by 3 on 4 in 5 on 6 by 7 on 8 by 9 on 10 by
The supporting details are:
The fact that this Twitter thread "captured the attention of a significant portion of the social-media world for days," and "made national headlines," shows how much the news abut spread.
Mr. Simon sharing the kind words many people had for him and his mother, as well as his own comfort for the “love and support and prayers” he got, shows that sharing stories of struggle and loss through the internet might help people find comfort in painful situations.
The main idea supported by these details is that sharing our stories of struggle and loss online might bring comfort to both the sender and the receiver.
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There is a lot of postive articles on this and a some negative articles on the topic. To find them just types in "are sports good for your health"
Both works have similar plots, I'm sure about that
B. The first or third person telling of the idea, individual or event.