"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare first published in 1597. It tells the romantic story between young Romeo and Juliet, two lovers whose families are mortal enemies.
Romeo's attitude toward love changes during the story-line. At first his attitude toward love is based on chasing a physical experience rather than a more deep one. Once he meets Juliet, this attitude changes drastically, as he starts to experience a deeper and more meaningful love feeling towards her, and becomes seriously about their life together as lovers. His attitude towards love is an intense and positive one.
On the other hand Mercutio's attitude toward love is a much more pessimistic and detached one than Romeo's. He is a practical character, and he views love as something annoying and meaningless.
Mercutio acts as a foil for Romeo because their views are completely the opposite. While Romeo is a romantic whose conception of love takes over his whole personality, Mercutio does not take love as something seriously. The foil works as a reinforcement of Romeo's intense feelings for Juliet, Mercutio's negativity when it comes to love just highlights how Romeo's viewpoint is the complete opposite, shows how much he is in love with Juliet.
To make whatever was at the door to go away and disappear.
<h3><u><em>Go down and get the monkey's paw and wish our son alive again!" The reader can conclude that Mr. White's final wish was... to make whatever was at the door to go away and disappear.</em></u></h3>
The correct answer is LINE 1 ("Is it thy will, thy image should keep open"). That's the line that ends with an enjambment.
In poetry, an enjambment refers to the incomplete syntax at the end of a line. Think of it as a sentence that is broken up in the middle, you can't get the meaning of it until you go down to the next line and get the full sentence. <u>You can recognize enjambment by a lack of punctuation at the end of the line and the tension this creates</u>. Once you move along and read the next line, that tension is resolved. The word or phrase that completes the syntax is known as<em> "rejet"</em>.
In this case we have the line "Is it thy will, thy image should keep open", in which the syntax feels incomplete as we don't know what should be kept open, and it doesn't have punctuation at the end so it's clearly an enjambment. The next line begins with "my heavy eyelids",<u> which completes the syntax and resolves the tension and therefore represents the rejet.</u>
Hope this helps!
There are 3 lines in a Tercet.
To make a question in the Past Tense in English we normally put the auxiliary DID at the beginning of the question or before the main subject. DID is used with regular AND irregular verbs in English. Both Do and Does in present tense questions become Did in past tense questions. In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense