The main reason why we use hexadecimal numbers is because it provides a more human-friendly representation and is much easier to express binary number representations in hex than it is in any other base number system. Computers do not actually work in hex. Lets take an example, using a byte.
Hope this answer is right!!
In order for it to be considered harassment, it has to happen on more than one occasion.
The output will be as following:-
The function doSomething accepts the argument as reference.So whatever changes are made in the function to the argument the changes will be reflected onto the original arguments.
First the value of x is 2.Hence 2 is printed first.
Then function doSomething is called that changes the value of x from 2 to 0 and then prints it.Hence 0 is printed in the newline.
Then in the main function x is printed again the function changed it's value so 0 is printed.
The underlined traits in the ER chart speak to essential key since they remarkably recognize the quality
(I) The level of the given relationship is 2 i.e it is a parallel connection among Book and Publisher. It is a one to numerous relationship from distributer to book in light of the fact that a distributer can distribute any number of books however a book will have only one publisher,so the cardinality will be 1 to 1..* (one to many)
(i) The degree of the given relationship is 2 i.e it is a binary relationship between Author and Book. It is a many to many relationship from Book to Author a book can be written by one or more authors and an author can write more than one book, so the cardinality will be 1..* to 1..* (many to many)
(i) As mentioned in part (b), the degree of given relation is 2 and cardinality is many to many (1..* to 1..*)
(i) The degree of the given relationship is 1 i.e unary relationship. It is a many to many relationship because one book can belong to any sets and a set can have any number of books, so cardinality is 1..* to 1..* (many to many)
Note: attached below is the image of various options to confirm the explanation (answer).
cheers i hope this helped !!!