An invasive species, such as the trees in your question, could:
- Out compete the native flora for resources, such as nutrients.
- An earlier reproductive and faster growing cycle could quickly surpass native tree growth.
- This alien species taking the place of native trees could disrupt the habitat of animal species that need the native flora instead.
For productivity to increase, it require an increase in the input which has to be directly proportional to an increase in the output
Meiosis is the formation of non identical gametes
Atom is the basic element of all living things because it's small. It is the smallest constituent unit of matter which has the properties of a chemical element. They are very small. Sizes are about 100 or 100, 000 fm. They are unstable. They are composed of a nucleus and electrons.
Mendel wants to control the pollination of his pea plants because traits were not blended but they remain separate in the subsequent generations and also it is contrary to scientific opinion during his time
- Mainly, he wants to control because they were against the scientific opinion during his time.
- Mendel takes a pea plant for his experiment because it can be easily observable.
- Pea plant has seven traits and it can be pollinated by both the ways. One is self-pollination and the other is cross-pollination.
- Mendel did not know about the genes but he speculates the factors of formation in the traits.
- Mendel produces three laws, the law of dominance, the law of segregation, the law of independent assortment.