It is said that someone in the woods fire their gun three times hide until all the soldiers came toward them then surprised attacked the soldiers that came to the woods to check where the firing came from. Then again this is just a rumor, I don't necessarily know what exactly happened but you should get at least an idea of what happened.
--source Abeka history of the world 12th edition senior level.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan touch the U.S. economy in a variety of ways beyond the impact of direct spending. First, Iraq has a lot of oil, and swings in the country’s production levels have an effect on global oil pricing. By some estimates, Iraq has the second-highest amount of oil in the world, behind Saudi Arabia. The Wall Street Journal reported in December 2007 that improving security conditions had allowed Iraqi oil production to return to pre-war levels. But the former Iraqi oil...
Massive globalization and further increases in technology, during this time the Cold War has begun so competing for superior tech led to advancements in Military Technology which was then converted for Civilian use, so overall technology was vastly improved as well living condition for the average American. More wars were fought for the idea of “Balance of Power” such as the Korean War and Vietnam, mainly a way to protect and spread capitalism. Patriotism was also more wide spread than ever.
It would be the search for gold in the Americas