I cant answer without the map, do you have a picture or name of the map?
Every time the grandmother told The Misfit that he "did not have common blood," she was trying to save her own life. This statement is taken from "A Good Man is Hard to Find" story written by Flannery O'Connor in 1953 about a grandmother and a serial killer named Misfit. This statement is said by the grandmother to manipulate "The Misfit" when "The Misfit" attempted to kill her family and her.
The use of rhyme and repetition in "The Raven", by Edgar Allan Poe, are meant to affect the reader in the following way:
It causes the reader to sense how desperate and devastated the speaker is.
Since the raven is a symbol of death and loneliness, as well as of a somber state of mind, the speaker wants it to leave his house. The presence of the animal affects the speaker in an unbearable way, since it reminds him of the loss of his significant other.
The rhymes make it for a feeling of frantic desperation, whereas the repetition, particularly "nothing more" and "nevermore", shows how strongly mourning affects the speaker, how devastated he is.
We can see how badly the speaker wants the bird to leave in the following passage:
"Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
The spoon was her secret, when I stirred it below the rough milky surface that was her mind; a fortress my curiosity and desire could not penetrate.
He flew down the stairs, because he was the spirit of this morning, the wind that brought the rain, and he was the spring; the spring that melted the ice of yesterday’s storm. What kid wouldn’t be? It was Christmas morning.
She was a tigress, eyeing her opponents with a quiet fierceness. She could win this chess tournament, if her moves were thunder on the table, her reflexes lightning in the air, her strategy a midnight flood; you don’t know you’re doomed until it’s too late.