The people from Sub-Saharan Africa are most loyal to their ethnic, cultural and linguistic group!!
This loyalty can also mean that they will not be loyal to their country and can cause civil wars such as between the Tutsi and Hutu which was the reason for the Rwandan Genocide.
They were growing tensions because the Christians only believed in 1 god, monotheism, and the Romans believed in more than 1 god, polytheism, so the Romans treated the Christians horribly.
The correct answer is the demand withdraw pattern. This
occurs in one of two patterns between the marital partners by which the other
party is seeking change, resolution to an issue or likely to be called the
demander whereas the other party is seeking to an end or avoid discussion and
likely to be referred to be as the withdrawer.
Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female. Norms are rules or expectations that are socially enforced. Gender roles are the prescribed behaviors, attitudes and characteristics associated with one's gender status as a female or a male. I'm unsure on the 5 differences, sorry.