Its true, I think so,thats my answer
He is 73 years old
Explanation: He is also 73 years old
The theme of The Lottery is that blindly following tradition can be dangerous. This story explores the concept of unquestioningly following past ways and not asking the reason behind doing things. We see that this ignorance eventually leads to the loss of life, and for seemingly no purpose.
The description of everyday details of the room and the character help the reader to understand that the character is an actual bug.
Option D
The Metamorphosis is mezzobula written by Franz Kafka tells the story of a sales man named Gregor Samsa who on a fine morning wakes to know that he inexplicably got transformed into an insect.
From the passage we can interpret that the main character Gregor describes the room in his point of view as he has transformed into a gigantic bug. In addition to that it describes his feeling of discord and lack of harmony.
The message of the story is more central to all of the readers and it expresses the struggles that we face to express our own identities in all over the world.